Package 'numOSL'

Title: Numeric Routines for Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating
Description: Optimizing regular numeric problems in optically stimulated luminescence dating, such as: equivalent dose calculation, dose rate determination, growth curve fitting, decay curve decomposition, statistical age model optimization, and statistical plot visualization.
Authors: Jun Peng [aut, cre], Bo Li [aut], Chunxin Wang [aut], Jorge More [ctb], Burton Garbow [ctb], Kenneth Hillstrom [ctb], John Burkardt [ctb], Paul Gilbert [ctb], Ravi Varadhan [ctb]
Maintainer: Jun Peng <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 2.8
Built: 2025-02-13 03:56:29 UTC

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Package for tackling basic numeric problems in optically stimulated luminescence dating


Package for routine numeric optimization and data visualization in optically stimulated luminescence dating.


Package: numOSL
Type: Package
Version: 2.8
Date: 2023-12-06
License: GPL-3


Jun Peng Hunan University of Science and Technology (HNUST), Xiangtan, China
Bo Li University of Wollongong (UOW), Wollongong, Australia
Chunxin Wang University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

Package maintainer
Jun Peng [email protected]

Related package projects
R program KMS
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Peng J, Dong ZB, Han FQ, Long H, Liu XJ, 2013. R package numOSL: numeric routines for optically stimulated luminescence dating. Ancient TL, 31(2): 41-48.

Peng J, Li Bo, 2017. Single-aliquot Regenerative-Dose (SAR) and Standardised Growth Curve (SGC) Equivalent Dose Determination in a Batch Model Using the R Package 'numOSL'. Ancient TL, 35(2): 32-53.

BIN data analysis


Analysing signal data records extracted from a BIN file.


analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn, nlchn, bg = "late", 
               me = 2.0, distp = "p", kph = NULL, 
               kdc = NULL, dcr = NULL, FR.fchn = NULL, 
               FR.mchn = NULL, FR.lchn = NULL, 
               signal.type = "LxTx", outfile = NULL)

analyseBINdata0(obj_pickBIN, fchn, lchn, bg="late", me=2.0, 
                distp="p", kph=NULL, kdc=NULL, dcr=NULL, 
                FR.fchn=NULL, FR.mchn=NULL, FR.lchn=NULL, 
                signal.type="LxTx", outfile=NULL)



list(required): an object of S3 class "pickBIN" produced by
function pickBINdata


integer(required): number of the first few channels from the initial
part of a decay curve. Number of counts summed over channels
(Delay+1L):(Delay+nfchn) is calculated as the fast-component
plus backgroud signal


integer(required): number of the last few channels from the latter part
of a decay curve. If bg="late", number of counts averaged over channels
(Delay+On-nlchn+1L):(Delay+On) will be calculated as the backgroud
signal, if bg="early", number of counts averaged over channels
(Delay+nfchn+1L):(Delay+nfchn+nlchn) will be calculated as the
backgroud signal. Delay and On are obtained internally from the BIN file.


integer(required): channels used for calculating the fast-component signals


integer(required): channels used for calculating the background counts


character(with default): background subtraction method, i.e.,
bg="early" or bg="late"


numeric(with default): measurement error of Lx (or Tx) in percent


character(with default): distribution of photon counts, distp="p" denotes
Poisson distribution, distp="op" denotes Over Poisson distribution


numeric(optional): correction factor for photon counts


numeric(optional): correction factor for dark counts


numeric(optional): dark count rate


vector(optional): fast-component signal channels, note that those channels are extracted internally from the "ON" channels,
i.e., FR.fchn=((Delay+1):(Delay+On))[FR.fchn].
Example: FR.fchn=1:5


vector(optional): medium-component signal channels, note that those channels are extracted internally from the "ON" channels,
i.e., FR.mchn=((Delay+1):(Delay+On))[FR.mchn].
Example: FR.mchn=31:60


vector(optional): background signal channels, note that those channels are extracted internally from the "ON" channels,
i.e., FR.lchn=((Delay+1):(Delay+On))[FR.lchn].
Example: FR.lchn=201:250


character(with default): type of signal, "LxTx", "Lx", or "Tx"


character(optional): if specified, analysis results (i.e., NO, Position, Grain, SAR.Cycle, Dose, Init, BG, Lx, seLx, TInit, TBG, Tx, seTx, LxTx, seLxTx) will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Function analyseBINdata is used for signal (i.e., Lx, Tx, and Lx/Tx) calculation. It provides two protocols for background subtraction (i.e., the early and late background subtraction methods).

Standard error of signals are assessed using two methods: if photon counts are assummed to follow Poisson distributions, Eqn.(3) of Galbraith (2002) will be applied; if photon counts are over-dispersed, Eqn.(10) of Bluszcz et al. (2015) will be applied.

If arguments FR.fchn, FR.mchn, and FR.lchn are provided, fast ratio will be calculated according to Madsen et al. (2009).


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "analyseBIN" containing the following elements:


a data.frame containing calculated SAR data sets


values used as rejection criteria (0-1 values indicating if Tn is more than 3 sigma above BG or not, ratio of initial Tn signal to BG and associated standard error, relative standard error of Tn in percent, fast ratio of Tn and associated standard error), NA is produced if the value can not be calculated. Note that in this function rejection criteria are calculated but not applied


values of Tn and associated standard errors


decay curves for Ln and Tn for different aliquots (grains)


ratios of Tx to Tn for various SAR cycles


aliquot or grain ID (i.e., NO, Position, and Grain)

SARdata is a data.frame containing the following elements if signal.type="LxTx":

Element Description
NO aliquot (grain) number
SAR.Cycle SAR cycle (N, R1, R2, R3, ...)
Dose regenerative dose
LxTx sensitivity-corrected regenerative-dose signal
seLxTx standard error of LxTx

SARdata contains the following elements if signal.type="Lx":

Element Description
NO aliquot (grain) number
SAR.Cycle SAR cycle (N, R1, R2, R3, ...)
Dose regenerative dose
Lx regenerative-dose signal
seLx standard error of Lx

SARdata contains the following elements if signal.type="Tx":

Element Description
NO aliquot (grain) number
SAR.Cycle SAR cycle (N, R1, R2, R3, ...)
Dose regenerative dose
Tx test-dose signal
seTx standard error of Tx


Though function analyseBINdata is originally designed to analyze CW-OSL data sets, IRSL data sets obtained from the SAR protocol can also be analyzed.


Ballarini M, Wallinga J, Wintle AG, Bos AJJ, 2007. A modified SAR protocol for optical dating of individual grains from young quartz samples. Radiation Measurements, 42(3): 360-369.

Bluszcz A, Adamiec G, Heer AJ, 2015. Estimation of equivalent dose and its uncertainty in the OSL SAR protocol when count numbers do not follow a Poisson distribution. Radiation Measurements, 81: 46-54.

Cunningham AC, Wallinga J, 2010. Selection of integration time intervals for quartz OSL decay curves. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(6): 657-666

Duller GAT, 2016. Analyst (v4.31.9), User Mannual.

Durcan JA, Duller GAT, 2011. The fast ratio: A rapid measure for testing the dominance of the fast component in the initial OSL signal from quartz. Radiation Measurements, 46(10): 1065-1072.

Galbraith R, 2002. A note on the variance of a backround-corrected OSL count. Ancient TL, 20(2): 49-51.

Madsen AT, Duller GAT, Donnelly JP, Roberts HM, Wintle AG, 2009. A chronology of hurricane landfalls at Little Sippewissett Marsh, Massachusetts, USA, using optical dating. Geomorphology, 109(1-2): 36-45.

See Also

loadBINdata; pickBINdata; pickSARdata; calED;
calSARED; calSGCED; fitGrowth; lsNORM; BIN


### Example 1 (not run):
   # obj_loadBIN <- loadBINdata("foo.bin", view=TRUE)
   # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(obj_loadBIN, Position=2, LType="OSL")
   # analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=3, nlchn=20)

   ### Example 2:
   obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=c(2,4,6,8,10), 
                              LType="OSL", view=FALSE)
   obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=4, nlchn=20) 
   #obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata0(obj_pickBIN, fchn=1:4, nlchn=231:250)

Transfom SAR data sets into S3 class object "analyseBIN"


Transfom SAR data sets into S3 class object "analyseBIN".





matrix(required): SAR data set, it should contain five columns
(i.e., NO, SAR.Cycle, Dose, Signal, and Signal.Err), see SARdata for details


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "analyseBIN" containing the following elements:


a data.frame containing SAR data sets


values used as rejection criteria, here it is set equal to NULL


values of Tn and associated standard errors, here it is set equal to NULL


decay curves of Ln and Tn for different aliquots (grains), here it is set equal to NULL


ratios of Tx to Tn for various SAR cycles, here it is set equal to NULL


aliquot or grain ID (i.e., NO, Position, and Grain), here both Position and Grain are set equal to 0

SARdata is a data.frame containing the following elements:

Element Description
NO aliquot (grain) number
SAR.Cycle SAR cycle (N, R1, R2, R3, ...)
Dose regenerative dose
Signal OSL signal
Signal.Err standard error of OSL signal


Function as_analyseBIN transforms SAR data sets (see SARdata) into S3 class object "analyseBIN". The returned elements such as criteria, Tn, LnTn.curve, and TxTn are set equal to NULL.

See Also

analyseBINdata; SARdata; calSARED; pickSARdata


### Example 1:
  obj_analyseBIN <- as_analyseBIN(SARdata[1:8,,drop=FALSE])
  res_calSARED <- calSARED(obj_analyseBIN)

  ### Example 2 (not run):
  # obj_analyseBIN <- as_analyseBIN(SARdata)
  # res_calSARED <- calSARED(obj_analyseBIN, rcy1.range=c(1,1), outpdf="SARED")

  ### Example 3 (not run):
  # obj_analyseBIN <- as_analyseBIN(SARdata)
  # res_pickSARdata <- pickSARdata(obj_analyseBIN, fom.up=6, outpdf="SARdata")
  # res_pickSARdata$SARdata

BIN data


BIN data for aeolian sample GL2-1 from the south margin of the Tengger Desert (Peng et al., 2013).




A S3 class object "loadBIN" produced by function loadBINdata that contains the following two elements:


a list consists of loaded data records for each aliquot (grain)


a data.frame used for summarizing loaded data records


Peng J, Han FQ, 2013. Selections of fast-component OSL signal using sediments from the south edge of Tengger Desert. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 34(6): 757-762.

See Also

loadBINdata; pickBINdata; analyseBINdata


# Not run.
 # data(BIN)
 # class(BIN)

Dose rate and age calculation


Calculating the total dose rate and burial age and assessing associated standard errors using a Monte Carlo method.


calDA(dose, minGrainSize, maxGrainSize,
      Ucontent, Thcontent, Kcontent, Rbcontent, Wct, depth, longitude, 
      latitude, altitude, alphaValue = 0, inKcontent = 0, inRbcontent = 0, 
      calRbfromK = FALSE, bulkDensity = 2.5, cfType = "Liritzis2013", rdcf = 0, 
      rba = 0, ShallowGamma = TRUE, nsim = 5000, reject = TRUE, plot = TRUE, 
      sampleName = "") 

calDAbatch(inputfile = "inputDRtable", cfType = "Liritzis2013", 
           rdcf = 0, rba = 0, calRbfromK = FALSE,  
           ShallowGamma = TRUE,  nsim = 5000, reject = TRUE, 
           outfile = paste(inputfile,"_Results",sep=""), 
           outpdf = paste(inputfile,"_Results",sep=""), digits = 4)



vector(required): a two-element vector containing the equivalent dose and associated measurement error (unit, Gy)


numeric(required): lower limit on grain size (unit, um)


numeric(required): upper limit on grain size (unit, um)


vector(required): a two-element vector containing the uranium content and its measurement error (unit, ppm)


vector(required): a two-element vector containing the thorium content and its measurement error (unit, ppm)


vector(required): a two-element vector containing the potassium content and its measurement error (unit, percent)


numeric(required): the rubidium content (unit, ppm). The measurement error is optional


vector(required): a two-element vector containing the water content and its measurement error (unit, percent)


numeric(required): sampling depth (unit, m). The associated error is optional


numeric(required): longitude of the sampling site (unit, decimal degree). The associated error is optional


numeric(required): latitude of the sampling site (unit, decimal degree). The associated error is optional


numeric(required): altitude of the sampling site (unit, m above sea level). The associated error is optional


numeric(with default): average alpha efficiency. The associated error is optional, for example, alphaValue=0.038 or alphaValue=c(0.038,0.002)


numeric(with default): internal potassium content (unit, percent). The associated error is optional, for example, inKcontent=12.5, or inKcontent=c(12.5,0.5)


numeric(with default): internal rubidium content (unit, ppm). The associated error is optional, for example, inRbcontent=400, or inRbcontent=c(400,100)


logical(with default): whether calculate the rubidium and internal rubidium contents using the provided potassium and internal potassium contents respectively. If calRbfromK=TRUE, the provided rubidium and/or internal rubidium contents will not be used for dose-rate calculation


numeric(with default): average density of bulk sample (unit, g/cm^3).
The associated error is optional, for example, bulkDensity=2.5,
or bulkDensity=c(2.5,0.2)


character(with default): type of the conversion factor, one from
"AdamiecAitken1998", "Guerin2011", and "Liritzis2013"


numeric(with default): constant relative standard error (RSD) for dose-rate conversion factors (unit, percent). If rdcf=0, the dose-rate conversion factors will be assummed to be perfectly determined, otherwise their errors calculated using the constant RSD will be accounted for during the Monte Carlo simulation. Since the conversion factors of "Liritzis2013" contain measured standard errors, when cfType="Liritzis2013", a positive rdcf value indicates that the measured errors will be accounted for during simulation


numeric(with default): constant RSD for alpha and beta dose absorption fractions (unit, percent). If rba=0, the determined alpha and beta dose attenuation factors will be assummed to be free from errors


logical(with default): consider the scaling of gamma dose rate for samples collected at shallow burial depths or not


integer(with default): number of Monte Carlo simulations


logical(with default): whether randomly generated negative values of variables (including equivalent dose, uranium, thorium, potassium, and water contents, alpha efficiency, and bulk-sample density, etc) and meaningless values (longitude beyonds [-180,180], or latitude beyonds [-90,90]) will be reject during the Monte Carlo simulation


logical(with default): draw a plot showing the simulated distributions of dose rates and ages or not


character(with default): name of the sample


character(with default): name of the input file containing measured dataset of individual samples used for dose rate and age calculations


character(with default): name of the files containing the results of calculated dose rates and ages for a number of samples. The files will be written using CSV/HTML format and saved to the current work directory


character(with default): name of a PDF file showing the distributions of dose rates and ages simulated using a Monte Carlo method for a number of samples. The file will be saved to the current work directory


integer(with default): the number of decimal places or significant digits to be used for values of the output CSV/HTML files


Function calDA is used for calculating the annual dose rate and burial age using the concentrations of radioactive nuclides (uranium, thorium, potassium) obtained from Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), grain size, water content, average sample density, geographical parameters (depth, longitude, latitude, altitude), and the equivalent dose. The elemental concentrations of uranium, thorium, and potassium are converted into alpha, bata, and gamma dose rates according to dose-rate conversion factors (Adamiec and Aitken, 1998; Guerin et al., 2011; Liritzis et al., 2013). Alpha and beta dose absorded fractions are determined using published data (Mejdahl, 1979; Brennan et al., 1991). The contribution of the internal beta dose rate can be assessed if the internal potassium content is provided. The gamma dose rate for samples collected at shallow depths are corrected using the scaling factors of Aitken (1985). The cosmic ray dose rate is estimated as a function of depth, altitude and geomagnetic latitude (Prescott and Hutton, 1994) and the contribution to cosmic dose rate from a soft component is considered at shallow depths (Barbouti and Rastin, 1983).

The hydrofluoric acid-etched quartz and K-feldspar samples have an alpha efficiency of zero, while the reported alpha values of un-etched coarse-grained quartz and K-feldspar are 0.1±0.020.1\pm0.02 (Olley et al., 1998) and 0.15±0.050.15\pm0.05 (Balescu and Lamothe, 1994), respectively. Three reported alpha values for fine-grained quartz are 0.038±0.0020.038\pm0.002 (Rees-Jones, 1995), 0.04±0.010.04\pm0.01 (Rees-Jones and Tite, 1997), and 0.035±0.0030.035\pm0.003 (Lai et al., 2008). Two reported alpha values for fine-grained polymineral are 0.086±0.0040.086\pm0.004 (Rees-Jones, 1995) and 0.09±0.020.09\pm0.02 (Kreutzer et al., 2014). Huntley and Hancock (2001) assumed an internal rubidium content of 400±100400\pm100 ppm. Three reported internal potassium contents are 12.5±0.5%12.5\pm0.5\% (Huntley and Baril, 1997), 13±1%13\pm1\% (Zhao and Li, 2005), and 10±2%10\pm2\% (Smedley et al., 2012).

The standard error of the age and dose rate is estimated by a "parametric bootstrap" method (Peng et al., 2016). Constant relative standard errors for dose-rate conversion factors, alpha and beta dose absorption factors can be assummed during the simulation. Arguments such as dose, Ucontent, Thcontent, Kcontent, Wct should be two-element vectors representing paired values of μ±σ\mu\pm\sigma, where μ\mu and σ\sigma denote the measured value and associated standard error, respectively. Arguments such as depth, longitude, latitude, altitude, alphaValue, Rbcontent, inKcontent, inRbcontent, and bulkDensity, can be either a scalar or a two-element vector. This means that uncertainties from these quantities can be either ignored or taken into account during the simulation.

Function calDAbatch is a wrapper of the function calDA and is used to calculate the dose rates and burial ages for a number of samples in a batch mode. The function requires as input a CSV file containing dose-rate datasets of different samples that are saved row by row. A template of the input CSV file with the name "myDRdata" can be generated using the command calDAbatch("myDRdata")
(see examples).


Function calDA returns a matrix that contains calculated alpha, beta, gamma, cosmic, and total dose rate and age and associated standard errors, lower and upper bounds of 95 percent confidence intervals for the sample under considered.
Function calDAbatch returns an invisible list that contains calculated dose-rate results for each of the provided samples.


Orignal R code written by Jun Peng, improved version of code written by Chunxin Wang


Adamiec G, Aitken M, 1998. Dose-rate conversion factors: update. Ancient TL, 16(2): 37-49.

Aitken MJ, 1985. Thermoluminescence Dating. Academic Press, London.

Balescu S, Lamothe M, 1994. Comparison of TL and IRSL age estimates of feldspar coarse grains from waterlain sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13: 437-444.

Barbouti AI, Rastin BC, 1983. A study of the absolute intensity of muons at sea level and under various thicknesses of absorber. Journal of Physics G Nuclear Physics, 9: 1577e1595.

Brennan BJ, Lyons RG, Phillips SW, 1991. Attenuation of alpha particle track dose for spherical grains. International Journal of Radiation Application and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 18: 249-253.

Guerin G, Mercier N, Adamiec G, 2011. Dose-rate conversion factors: update. Ancient TL, 29: 5-8.

Huntley DJ, Baril M, 1997. The K content of the K-feldspars being measured in optical dating or in thermoluminescence dating. Ancient TL, 15: 11-13.

Huntley DJ, Hancock R, 2001. The Rb contents of the K-feldspar grains being measured in optical dating. Ancient TL, 19: 43-46.

Kreutzer S, Schmidt C, DeWitt R, Fuchs M, 2014. The a-value of polymineral fine grain samples measured with the post-IR IRSL protocol. Radiation Measurements, 69: 18-29.

Lai ZP, Zoller L, Fuchs M, Bruckner H, 2008. Alpha efficiency determination for OSL of quartz extracted from Chinese loess. Radiation Measurements, 43: 767-770.

Liritzis I, Stamoulis K, Papachristodoulou C, Ioannides K, 2013. A re-evaluation of radiation dose-rate conversion factors. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 13: 1-15.

Mejdahl V, 1979. Thermoluminescence dating: beta-dose attenuation in quartz grains. Archaeometry, 21: 61-72.

Olley J, Caitcheon G, Murray A, 1998. The distribution of apparent dose as determined by Optically Stimulated Luminescence in small aliquots of fluvial quartzImplications for dating young sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17: 1033-1040.

Prescott, JR, Hutton JT, 1994. Cosmic ray contributions to dose rates for Luminescence and Esr dating: large depths and long-term time variations. Radiation Measurements, 23(2-3): 497-500.

Peng J, Dong ZB, Zhang ZC, 2016. Determining the error of dose rate estimates on luminescence dating using Monte Carlo approach. Nuclear Techniques, 38(7): 070201. (In Chinese).

Rees-Jones J, 1995. Optical dating of young sediments using fine-grained quartz. Ancient TL, 13: 9-14.

Rees-Jones J, Tite MS, 1997. Optical dating results for British archaeological sediments. Archaeometry, 39: 177-187.

Smedley RK, Duller GAT, Pearce NJG, Roberts HM, 2012. Determining the K-content of single-grains of feldspar for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 47: 790-796.

Zhao H, Li SH, 2005. Internal dose rate to K-feldspar grains from radioactive elements other than potassium. Radiation Measurements, 40: 84-93.

Further reading

Durcan JA, King GE, Duller GAT, 2015. DRAC: Dose Rate and Age Calculator for trapped charge dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 28: 54-61.

Grun R, 2009. The "AGE" program for the calculation of luminescence age estimates. Ancient TL, 27: 45-46.


calDA(dose=c(25.04,0.68), minGrainSize=90,
      maxGrainSize=180, Ucontent=c(2.86,0.19),
      Thcontent=c(8.63,0.34), Kcontent=c(2.00,0.11), Rbcontent=0,
      Wct=c(0.05,0.05), depth=c(1.1,0.05), longitude=c(103.16,0.1),
      latitude=c(37.64,0.1), altitude=c(1170,58.5), bulkDensity=c(2.5,0.1), 
      rdcf=0.03, rba=0.03) 

# Not run.
# Generate a template of input CSV file "myDRdata" using the following command.
# calDAbatch(inputfile="myDRdata")

# Put your dose rate dataset into the above generated template file "myDRdata.csv", then run 
# the following command to calculate dose rates and ages for your samples in a batch mode.
# d <- calDAbatch(inputfile="myDRdata", nsim=3000)
# idx <- sapply(d, is.matrix)
# h <- t(sapply(d[idx],function(x) c(t(x[6:7,1:2]))))
# colnames(h) <- c("DR","Se.DR","Age","Se.Age")
# print(h)

Equivalent dose calculation and error assessment


Calculating an equivalent dose and assessing its standard error.


calED(Curvedata, Ltx, model = "gok", origin = FALSE, 
      errMethod = "sp", nsim = 500, weight = TRUE,  
      trial = FALSE, plot = TRUE, nofit.rgd = NULL, 
      agID = NULL, Tn = NULL, Tn3BG = NULL, 
      TnBG.ratio = NULL, rseTn = NULL, FR = NULL, 
      LnTn.curve = NULL, TxTn = NULL)



matrix(required): a three-column matrix (i.e., regenerative doses,
sensitivity-corrected regenerative-dose signals, and associated standard errors)


vector(required): a two-element vector consists of sensitivity-corrected
natural-dose signal and its error


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see fitGrowth for available models


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


character(with default): method used for equivalent dose error assessment.
"sp" and "mc" denote error estimation using the Simple Transformation and Monte Carlo methods, respectively


integer(with default): desired number of randomly simulated equivalent dose obtained by Monte Carlo simulation


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using other models if the given model fails, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the results should be plotted


integer(optional): regenerative doses that will not be used during the fitting. For example, if nofit.rgd=1 then the first regenerative dose will not be used during growth curve fitting


vector(optional): a three-elemenet vector indicating aliquot (grain) ID, i.e.,
agID[1]=NO, agID[2]=Position, agID[3]=Grain


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of Tn


numeric(optional): 0-1 value indicating if Tn is more than 3 sigma above BG,
1 indicates Tn>3_sigma_BG, 0 indicates Tn<=3_sigma_BG


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): relative standard error of Tn in percent


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of fast ratio of Tn


list(optional): decay curve data for Ln and Tn, it should contain four elements,
i.e., names(LnTn.curve)=c("Ln.x","Ln.y","Tn.x","Tn.y")


vector(optional): ratios of Tx to Tn for various SAR cycles


Function calED is used for calculating an equivalent dose and assessing its standard error. The standard errors of an equivalent dose can be assessd using the Simple Transformation or Monte Carlo method (Duller, 2007).

Interpolation is performed using a combination of golden section search and successive parabolic interpolation (R function optimize in package stats) (freely available Fortran 77 source code at See function fitGrowth for more details on growth curve fitting.


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


return 0 if calculation succeeds, 1 if growth curve fitting fails, 2 if natural-dose signal saturates, 3 if equivalent dose calculation fails, 4 if equivalent dose error assessment fails


Indices of dose points used in growth curve fitting


optimized parameters for the growth curve


minimized objective for the growth curve


average fit error for the growth curve


reduced chi-square value for the growth curve


figure of merit value for the growth curve in percent


method used for equivalent dose calculation, i.e.,
"Interpolation" or "Extrapolation"


randomly simulated equivalent doses


calculated equivalent dose and its standard error


68 percent and 95 percent confidence intervals for the equivalent dose


the first recycling ratio and its standard error


the second recycling ratio and its standard error


the third recycling ratio and its standard error


the first recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to natural-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


the second recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to maximum regenerative-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


Arguments agID, Tn, Tn3BG, TnBG.ratio, rseTn, FR, LnTn.curve, and TxTn have nothing to do with equivalent dose calculation. They are used only for plotting purpose.

Argument Tn3BG indicates if Tn (after background subtraction) is more than 3 sigma above BG, while argument TnBG.ratio denotes the ratio of Tn (no background subtraction) to BG.

Function calED will return message=3 (i.e.,"Failed in equivalent dose calculation") if the equivalent dose to be calculated below -50 (<Gy>|<s>).

68 percent (one sigma) and 95 percent (two sigma) confidence intervals of equivalent doses will be determined respectively using normal approximation and Monte Carlo simulation,
for errMethod="sp" and errMethod="mc".

Function sgcED in previous versions was bundled to function calSGCED.


Duller GAT, 2007. Assessing the error on equivalent dose estimates derived from single aliquot regenerative dose measurements. Ancient TL, 25(1): 15-24.

Duller GAT, 2016. Analyst (v4.31.9), User Mannual.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, 2012. Statistical aspects of equivalent dose and error calculation and display in OSL dating: an overview and some recommendations. Quaternary Geochronology, 11: 1-27.

See Also

analyseBINdata; fitGrowth; calRcyRcp; calSARED; fastED; calSGCED


### Example 1:
  Curvedata <- cbind(c(0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 0, 18),               
                    c(0.026, 1.55, 2.39, 3.46, 4.13, 0.023, 1.61),  
                    c(0.005, 0.11, 0.27, 0.22, 0.20, 0.008, 0.24))                         
  Ltx <- c(3.1,0.31)
  calED(Curvedata, Ltx, model="exp", origin=FALSE)
  ### Example 2 (not run):
  # data(BIN)
  # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=48, 
  #                            LType="OSL", view=FALSE)
  # obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=3, nlchn=20)
  # Curvedata <- obj_analyseBIN$SARdata[-1,3:5]
  # Ltx <- as.numeric(obj_analyseBIN$SARdata[1,4:5])
  # calED(Curvedata, Ltx, model="gok", origin=FALSE)

Recycling ratio and recuperation calculation


Calculating recycling ratio, recuperation, and associated standard errors.


calRcyRcp(Curvedata, Ltx)



matrix(required): a three-column matrix (i.e., regenerative doses,
sensitivity-corrected regenerative-dose signals, and associated standard errors)


vector(required): a two-element vector consists of sensitivity-corrected
natural-dose signal and its error


Return a list that contains the following elements:


the first recycling ratio and its standard error


the second recycling ratio and its standard error


the third recycling ratio and its standard error


the first recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to natural-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


the second recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to maximum regenerative-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


If the sensitivity-corrected signals for the frist, second, and third repeated regenerative doses are R1, R2, and R3, respectively, then RecyclingRatio1=R2/R1, RecyclingRatio2=R3/R1, and


Wintle AG, Murray AS, 2006. A review of quartz optically stimulated luminescence characteristics and their relevance in single-aliquot regeneration dating protocols. Radiation Measurements, 41(4): 369-391.

See Also

calED; fastED; calSARED; pickSARdata

SAR equivalent doses calculation and selection


Calculating and selecting a series of equivalent doses in a batch mode according to the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) method (Murray and Wintle, 2000).


calSARED(obj_analyseBIN, model = "gok", origin = FALSE, 
         errMethod = "sp", nsim = 500, weight = TRUE, 
         trial = TRUE, nofit.rgd = NULL, Tn.above.3BG = TRUE, 
         TnBG.ratio.low = NULL, rseTn.up = NULL, FR.low = NULL, 
         rcy1.range = NULL, rcy2.range = NULL, rcy3.range = NULL, 
         rcp1.up = NULL, rcp2.up = NULL, fom.up = NULL, 
         rcs.up = NULL, calED.method = NULL, rseED.up = NULL,  = TRUE, outpdf = NULL, outfile = NULL)



list(required): an object of S3 class "analyseBIN" produced by
function analyseBINdata or as_analyseBIN


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see fitGrowth for available models


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


character(with default): method used for equivalent dose error assessment. See function calED for details


integer(with default): desired number of randomly simulated equivalent dose obtained by Monte Carlo simulation


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using other models if the given model fails, see function fitGrowth for details


integer(optional): regenerative doses that will not be used during the fitting. For example, if nofit.rgd=6 then the sixth regenerative dose will not be used during growth curve fitting


logical(with default): logical value indicating if aliquot (grain) with Tn below 3 sigma BG should be rejected


numeric(optional): lower limit on ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): upper limit on relative standard error of Tn in percent


numeric(optional): lower limit on fast ratio of Tn


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 1, Example: rcy1.range=c(0.9,1.1)


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 2


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 3


numeric(optional): upper limit on recuperation 1 (i.e., ratio of the
sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to natural-dose signal) in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on recuperation 2 (i.e., ratio of the
sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to maximum regenerative-dose signal)
in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on figure of merit (FOM) values of growth curves in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on reduced chi-square (RCS) values of growth curves


character(optional): method used for equivalent dose calculation, i.e.,
"Interpolation" or "Extrapolation"


numeric(optional): upper limit on the relative standard error of equivalent dose in percent

logical(with default): logical value indicating if standard errors of values should be used during application of rejection criteria


character(optional): if specified, results of SAR equivalent dose calculation will be written to a PDF file named "outpdf" and saved to the current work directory


character(optional): if specified, SAR equivalent doses related quantities will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


a list containing optimized parameters of growth curves of calculated (selected) SAR equivalent doses


values and standard errors of Tn of calculated (selected) SAR equivalent doses


sensitivity-corrected natural-dose signals and associated standard errors used for SAR equivalent dose calculation


calculated (selected) SAR equivalent doses and associated standard errors


68 percent (one sigma) and 95 percent (two sigma) confidence intervals of SAR equivalent doses


aliquot (grain) ID of calculated (selected) SAR equivalent doses

a summary of the SAR equivalent dose calculation


Rejection criteria used to select reliable SAR equivalent dose estimates can be catergorized into three groups:
(1) signal-related criteria, such as Tn.above.3BG, TnBG.ratio.low, rseTn.up, and FR.low;
(2) growth-curve-related criteria, such as rcy1.range, rcy2.range, rcy3.range, rcp1.up,
rcp2.up, fom.up, and rcs.up;
(3) equivalent-dose-related criteria, such as calED.method and rseED.up.


Duller GAT, 2016. Analyst (v4.31.9), User Mannual.

Murray AS, Wintle AG, 2000. Luminescence dating of quartz using improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol. Radiation Measurements, 32(1): 57-73.

Wintle AG, Murray AS, 2006. A review of quartz optically stimulated luminescence characteristics and their relevance in single-aliquot regeneration dating protocols. Radiation Measurements, 41(4): 369-391.

See Also

analyseBINdata; fitGrowth; calED; calSGCED; pickSARdata


  obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=c(2,4,6,8,10), Grain=0, 
                             LType="OSL", view=FALSE)
  obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=3, nlchn=20) 
  res_SARED <- calSARED(obj_analyseBIN, model="exp", origin=FALSE)
  # plot(res_SARED$Tn[,1], res_SARED$sarED[,1], xlab="Tn", ylab="ED (<Gy>|<s>)")

SGC Equivalent dose calculation and selection


Calculating and selecting equivalent doses in a batch model according to the "standardised growth curve" (SGC) method suggested by Roberts and Duller (2004) or the "global standardised growth curve" (gSGC) method suggested by Li et al. (2015, 2016).


calSGCED(obj_analyseBIN, SGCpars, model, origin, avgDev, 
         method = "SGC", SAR.Cycle = "N", errMethod = "sp", 
         Tn.above.3BG = TRUE, TnBG.ratio.low = NULL, 
         rseTn.up = NULL, FR.low = NULL, rseED.up = NULL,  = TRUE, outpdf = NULL, outfile = NULL)



list(required): an object of S3 class "analyseBIN" produced by
function analyseBINdata or as_analyseBIN


vector(required): optimized parameters of the SGC obtained using function lsNORM (or fitGrowth)


character(required): fitting model used for obtaining SGCpars


logical(required): logical value indicating if established SGC passes the origin


numeric(required): average deviation (i.e., average fit error) of the SGC obtained using function fitGrowth or lsNORM. This quantity stands for the uncertainty of established SGC when assessing the equivalent dose error using the simple transformaion method


character(with default): method used for equivalent dose calculation, i.e.,
method="SGC" (for the original SGC method) or method="gSGC" (for the improved SGC method)


character(with default): SAR cycles used for SGC equivalent dose calculation.
Example: SAR.Cycle=c("N","R3")


character(with default): method used for equivalent dose error assessment


logical(with default): logical value indicating if aliquot (grain) with Tn below 3 sigma BG should be rejected


numeric(optional): lower limit on ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): upper limit on relative standard error of Tn in percent


numeric(optional): lower limit on fast ratio of Tn


numeric(optional): upper limit on the relative standard error of equivalent dose in percent

logical(with default): logical value indicating if standard errors of values should be used during application of rejection criteria


character(optional): if specified, results of SGC equivalent dose calculation will be written to a PDF file named "outpdf" and saved to the current work directory


character(optional): if specified, SGC equivalent doses related quantities will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


scaled standardised natural-dose signals and associated standard errors used for SGC equivalent dose calculation. Note that standardised natural-dose signals will remain un-scaled if method="SGC"


calculated SGC equivalent doses


68 percent (one sigma) and 95 percent (two sigma) confidence intervals of SGC equivalent doses


aliquot (grain) ID of calculated (selected) SGC equivalent doses

a summary of the SGC equivalent dose calculation


Li B, Roberts RG, Jacobs Z, Li SH, 2015. Potential of establishing a "global standardised growth curve" (gSGC) for optical dating of quartz from sediments. Quaternary Geochronology, 27: 94-104.

Li B, Jacobs Z, Roberts RG, 2016. Investigation of the applicability of standardised growth curves for OSL dating of quartz from Haua Fteah cave, Libya. Quaternary Geochronology, 35: 1-15.

Roberts HM, Duller GAT, 2004. Standardised growth curves for optical dating of sediment using multiple-grain aliquots. Radiation Measurements, 38(2): 241-252.

See Also

fitGrowth; lsNORM; SARdata; scaleSGCN; calED; calSARED


 ### (1) gSGC ED calculation:
 ### gSGCpars were obtained using function "lsNORM".
 gSGCpars <- c(137.440874251, 0.007997863, 2.462035263, -0.321536177)
 avg.error2 <- 0.1111623
 res <- calSGCED(as_analyseBIN(SARdata), gSGCpars, method="gSGC", 
                 model="gok", origin=FALSE, avgDev=avg.error2,

 ### (2) SGC ED calculation (not run): 
 ### SGCpars were obtained using function "fitGrowth".
 # SGCpars <- c(183.474322547,  0.007038048,  4.254287622, -0.337734151)
 # avg.error <- 0.3156259
 # calSGCED(as_analyseBIN(SARdata), SGCpars, method="SGC", model="gok", 
 #          origin=FALSE, avgDev=avg.error, SAR.Cycle="N", outpdf="SGCED")

 ### (3) gSGC ED calculation and signal-related 
 ###     rejection criteria application (not run):
 # data(BIN)
 # res_pickBIN <-pickBINdata(BIN, LType="OSL")
 # res_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(res_pickBIN, nfchn=4, nlchn=30)
 # res_lsNORM <- lsNORM(res_analyseBIN$SARdata, model="gok", origin=FALSE)

 # calSGCED(res_analyseBIN, SGCpars=res_lsNORM$LMpars2[,1], 
 #         model="gok", origin=FALSE, avgDev=res_lsNORM$avg.error2,
 #         method="gSGC", SAR.Cycle=c("N","R3"), Tn.above.3BG=TRUE, 
 #         TnBG.ratio.low=4, rseTn.up=10, outpdf="foo", outfile="foo")

De distribution summarization


Calculating statistical parameters (skewness, kurtosis, quantiles) for a number of equivalent dose values.


dbED(EDdata, plot = TRUE, typ = "pdf", from = NULL, 
     to = NULL, step = NULL, nbin = 15, pcolor = "purple", 
     psize = 1.5, outfile = NULL)



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


logical(with default): draw a plot or not


character(with default): type of plot, typ="pdf" means a probability density plot and typ="hist" means a histogram plot


numeric(optional): desired lower limit on x-axis


numeric(optional): desired upper limit on x-axis


numeric(optional): a step-size used for constructing the probability density plot (if typ="pdf"). Smaller step value gives smoother density curve


integer(with default): desired number of intervals for the histogram (if typ="hist")


character(with default): color of data points, input colors() to see available colors


numeric(with default): size of data points


character(optional): if specified, calculated probability densities (if typ="pdf") will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Return a list that contains the following elements:


weigthed mean of equivalent dose values and associated standard error


weighted skewness of equivalent dose values and associated standard error


kurtosis of equivalent dose values and associated standard error


quantiles of equivalent dose values


Galbraith RF, 2010. On plotting OSL equivalent doses. Ancient TL, 28(1): 1-10.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, 2012. Statistical aspects of equivalent dose and error calculation and display in OSL dating: an overview and some recommendations. Quaternary Geochronology, 11: 1-27.

See Also

psRadialPlot; RadialPlotter; EDdata



OSL decay curve decomposition


Decomposing a CW-OSL or LM-OSL decay curve to a given number of first-order exponential components using a combination of differential evolution and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm suggested by Bluszcz and Adamiec (2006).


decomp(Sigdata, = c(0,0), ncomp = 2, 
       constant = TRUE, typ = "cw", control.args = list(), 
       weight = FALSE, plot = TRUE, log = "x", lwd = 2, = NULL, SAR.Cycle = NULL, irr.dose = NULL, 
       outfile = NULL, transf = TRUE)



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., stimulation time and photon count values)

vector(with default): a two-elment vector indicating the "Delay" and "Off"
values of the decay curves, i.e.,[1]=Delay,[2]=Off


integer(with default): number of decomposed components


logical(with default): logical value indicating if a constant component should be subtracted from the decay curve


character(with default): type of a decay curve (i.e., typ="cw" or typ="lm")


list(with default): arguments used in the differential evolution algorithm, see details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the fit should be performed using a weighted procedure


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the results should be plotted


character(with default): a character string which contains "x" if the x axis is to be logarithmic, "y" if the y axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if both axes are to be logarithmic


numeric(with default): width of curves (lines)

numeric(optional): decay curve number


numeric(optional): SAR cycle of the decay curve, Example: SAR.Cycle="R1"


numeric(optional): irradiation dose of the decay curve


character(optional): if specified, decomposed signal values will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


logical(with default): do not use (for backward compatibility purpose)


Function decomp decomposes an OSL decay curve to a specified number of components using a combination of differential evolution and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Both CW-OSL and LM-OSL decay curves can be decomposed.

For a CW-OSL decay curve, the fitting model (Bluszcz and Adamiec, 2006) is:
where k=1, 2, ..., 7, I(t) is the luminescence intensity as a function of time, a is the number of trapped electrons, and b is the detrapping rate. The constant component is c if constant=TRUE.

For a LM-OSL decay curve, the fitting model (Bulur, 2000) is:
where k=1, 2, ..., 7, and I(t) is the luminescence intensity as a function of time, P is the total stimulation time, a is the number of trapped electrons, and b is the detrapping rate. The constant component is c*(t/P) if constant=TRUE.

Parameters are initialized using a differential evolution method suggested by Bluszcz and Adamiec (2006), then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (minpack: Fortran 90 version by John Burkardt, freely available at will be performed to optimize the parameters. If weight=TRUE, the photon counts will be assumed to follow a Possion distribution with a standard error equal to the square root of the number of photon counts, and the decay curve will be fitted using a weighted procedure. Setting weight=TRUE gives more weight to photon counts from slower decaying components.

Arguments in control.args that control the differential evolution algorithm include:
(1) factor: the number of population members, np=factor*ncomp, default factor=20;
(2) f: a weighting factor that lies between 0 and 1.2, default f=0.5;
(3) cr: a crossover constant that lies between 0 and 1, default cr=0.99;
(4) maxiter: maximum number of iterations, default maxiter=500;
(5) tol: tolerance for stopping the iteration, the procedure will be terminated if
all relative standard deviations of parameters are smaller than tol, defalut tol=0.1.


Return an invisible list containing the following elements:


return 0 if fit succeeds, else 1


a matrix containing time, signal, and fitted signal values for each component


optimized parameters for the decay curve


estimated constant component, it returns 0 if constant=FALSE


minimized objective for the decay curve


figure of merit value for the decay curve in percent


Arguments, SAR.Cycle, and irr.dose have nothing to do with decay curve fitting. They are used only for plotting purpose.

The model to be optimized should not be underdetermined. This means that the number of data points should exceed (or at least be equal to) the number of parameters. For a given model, this routine will return an error if any standard errors of parameters cannot be estimated by numerical difference-approximation. Function decompc in previous versions was bundled to function decomp.

We would like to thank Professor Andrzej Bluszcz who helps us a lot during the programming of this function. Dr Jeong-Heon Choi is thanked for providing published data sets to test this routine.


Bluszcz A, 1996. Exponential function fitting to TL growth data and similar applications. Geochronometria, 13: 135-141.

Bluszcz A, Adamiec G, 2006. Application of differential evolution to fitting OSL decay curves. Radiation Measurements, 41(7-8): 886-891.

Bulur E, 2000. A simple transformation for converting CW-OSL curves to LM-OSL curves. Radiation Measurements, 32(2): 141-145.

Differential evolution algorithm,

Jain M, Murray AS, Boetter-Jensen L, 2003. Characterisation of blue-light stimulated luminescence components in different quartz samples: implications for dose measurement. Radiation Measurements, 37(4-5): 441-449.

More JJ, 1978. "The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: implementation and theory," in Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 105-116.

Further reading

Adamiec G, 2005. OSL decay curves-relationship between single- and multiple-grain aliquots. Radiation Measurements, 39(1): 63-75.

Balian HG, Eddy NW, 1977. Figure-of-merit (FOM), an improved criterion over the normalized chi-squared test for assessing goodness-of-fit of gamma-ray spectral peaks. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 145(2): 389-95.

Choi JH, Duller GAT, Wintle AG, 2006. Analysis of quartz LM-OSL curves. Ancient TL, 24(1): 9-20.

Li SH, Li B, 2006. Dose measurement using the fast component of LM-OSL signals from quartz. Radiation Measurements, 41(5): 534-541.

Peng J, Dong ZB, Han FQ, Han YH, Dai XL, 2014. Estimating the number of components in an OSL decay curve using the Bayesian Information Criterion. Geochronometria, 41(4): 334-341.

See Also

Signaldata; pickBINdata; fastED


### Example 1:

 ### Example 2 (not run):
 # data(BIN)
 # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=2, Run=2, view=TRUE,
 #                            LType="OSL", force.matrix=TRUE)
 # decomp(obj_pickBIN$BINdata[[1]], ncomp=2, log="xy")

Equivalent dose values


Two sets of equivalent dose values.




A list that contains two sets of equivalent dose values:


35 equivalent dose values of a sand sample from the Tengger Desert (Peng and Han, 2013)


84 equivalent dose values of an alluvial deposit from the andean precordillera (Schmidt et al., 2012)


Peng J, Han FQ, 2013. Selections of fast-component OSL signal using sediments from the south edge of Tengger Desert. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 34(6): 757-762.

Schmidt S, Tsukamoto S, Salomon E, Frechen M, Hetzel R, 2012. Optical dating of alluvial deposits at the orogenic front of the andean precordillera (Mendoza, Argentina). Geochronometria, 39(1): 62-75.

See Also

dbED; psRadialPlot; RadialPlotter; mcFMM; mcMAM; optimSAM; sensSAM


# Not run.
  # data(EDdata)
  # names(EDdata)

Fast-component equivalent dose calculation


Estimating a fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose using decay curves obtained from the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) method.


fastED(Sigdata, Redose, = c(0,0), ncomp = 2, 
       constant = TRUE, compIDX = 1, control.args = list(), 
       typ = "cw", model = "gok", origin = FALSE, errMethod = "sp", 
       nsim = 500, weight.decomp = FALSE, weight.fitGrowth = TRUE, 
       trial = TRUE, nofit.rgd = NULL, outpdf = NULL, log = "x", 
       lwd = 2, test.dose = NULL, agID = NULL)



matrix(required): a series of decay curves stored in a matrix column by column, the first column denotes stimulation time values, see details. Data structure of this kind can be obtained using function pickBINdata by setting argument force.matrix=TRUE, see examples


vector(required): regenerative dose values. Example: Redose=c(1,2,3,4,0,1)

vector(with default): a two-elment vector indicating the "Delay" and "Off"
values of the decay curves, i.e.,[1]=Delay,[2]=Off


integer(with default): number of components to be decomposed


logical(with default): logical value indicating if a constant background should be subtracted from the decay curve, see function decomp for details


integer(with default): index of the component to be extracted. For example, compIDX=1 and compIDX=2 indicate respectively that the fast- and medium-component signals will be used to calculate the equivalent dose. The index should not exceed the number of components to be decomposed


list(with default): arguments used in the differential evolution algorithm, see function decomp for details


character(with default): type of an OSL decay curve, only CW-OSL decay curve can be analyzed currently


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see function
fitGrowth for available models


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


character(with default): method used for equivalent dose error assessment. See function calED for details


integer(with default): desired number of randomly simulated equivalent dose obtained by Monte Carlo simulation


character(with default): logical value indicating if the decay curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function decomp for details


character(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using other models if the given model fails, see function fitGrowth for details


integer(optional): regenerative doses that will not be used during the fitting. For example, if nofit.rgd=1 then the first regenerative dose will not be used during fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve fitting


character(optional): if specified, results of fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose calculation will be written to a PDF file named "outpdf" and saved to the current work directory


character(with default): a character string which contains "x" if the x axis is to be logarithmic, "y" if the y axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if both axes are to be logarithmic


numeric(with default): width of curves (lines)


numeric(optional): test dose of decay curves


vector(optional): a three-elemenet vector indicating aliquot (grain) ID, i.e.,
agID[1]=NO, agID[2]=Position, agID[3]=Grain


Function fastED is used to estimate a fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose using data sets obtained from the SAR protocol (Murray and Wintle, 2000). The routine trys to decompose a series of decay curves to a specified number of components, then the numbers of trapped electrons from the fast-, medium-, or slow-component will be used to construct the growth curve to estimate a fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose. See function decomp, fitGrowth, and calED for more details concerning decay curve decomposition, growth curve fitting, and equivalent dose calculation, respectively.

Argument Sigdata is a column-matrix made up with stimulation time values and a number of decay curves: Description
I Stimulation time values
II Natural-dose signal values
III Test-dose signal values for the natural-dose
IV The 1th Regenerative-dose signal values
V Test-dose signal values for the 1th regenerative-dose
VI The 2th regenerative-dose signal values
VII Test-dose signal values for the 2th regenerative-dose
... ...


Return an invisible list containing the following elements:

a list containing optimized parameters of successfully fitted decay curves


data sets used for building the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve


sensitivity-corrected natural-dose fast-, medium-, or slow-component signal and its standard error


optimizaed parameters for the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve


minimized objective for the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve


average fit error for the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve


reduced chi-square value for the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve


figure of merit value for the fast-, medium-, or slow-component growth curve in percent


method used for calculating the fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose, i.e., "Interpolation" or "Extrapolation"


randomly simulated fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent doses


fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose and its standard error


68 percent and 95 percent confidence interval of the fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose


the first fast-, medium-, or slow-component recycling ratio and its standard error


the second fast-, medium-, or slow-component recycling ratio and its standard error


the third fast-, medium-, or slow-component recycling ratio and its standard error


the first fast-, medium-, or slow-component recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to natural-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


the second fast-, medium-, or slow-component recuperation (i.e., ratio of the sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to the maximum regenerative-dose signal) and its standard error in percent


Argument test.dose and agID have nothing to do with fast-, medium-, or slow-component equivalent dose calculation. They are used only for plotting purpose.

The number of trapped electrons that corresponds to the largest, the second largest, and the third largest decay rates will be regarded as the fast-, medium-, and slow-component signals, respectively, which cannot always ensure that pure fast-, medium-, or slow-component signals be extracted if an ultra-fast decaying component appears.

The authors thank Professor Sheng-Hua Li and Professor Geoff Duller for their helpful discussions concerning fast-component equivalent dose calculation.


Li SH, Li B, 2006. Dose measurement using the fast component of LM-OSL signals from quartz. Radiation Measurements, 41(5): 534-541.

Murray AS, Wintle AG, 2000. Luminescence dating of quartz using improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol. Radiation Measurements, 32(1): 57-73.

See Also

pickBINdata; Signaldata; fitGrowth; decomp; calED


### Example 1 (not run):
 # data(Signaldata)
 # fastED(Signaldata$cw,Redose=c(80,160,240,320,0, 80)*0.13,
 #        ncomp=3, constant=FALSE, compIDX=1, outpdf="fastED1")

 # fastED(Signaldata$cw,Redose=c(80,160,240,320,0, 80)*0.13,
 #        ncomp=3, constant=FALSE, compIDX=2, outpdf="mediumED1")

 # fastED(Signaldata$cw,Redose=c(80,160,240,320,0, 80)*0.13,
 #        ncomp=3, constant=FALSE, compIDX=3, outpdf="slowED1")

 ### Example 2 (not run):
 # data(BIN)
 # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=6, Grain=0, 
 #                            LType="OSL", force.matrix=TRUE)
 # fastED(obj_pickBIN$BINdata[[1]], ncomp=2, constant=TRUE,
 #        Redose=c(100,200,300,400,0,100)*0.13, outpdf="fastED2")

Growth curve fitting


Fitting growth curves using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.


fitGrowth(Curvedata, model = "gok", origin = FALSE, 
          weight = TRUE, trial = FALSE, plot = TRUE, 
          nofit.rgd = NULL, agID = NULL, Tn = NULL, 
          Tn3BG = NULL, TnBG.ratio = NULL, rseTn = NULL, 
          FR = NULL, RecyclingRatio1 = NULL, 
          RecyclingRatio2 = NULL, RecyclingRatio3 = NULL, 
          Recuperation1 = NULL, Recuperation2 = NULL, 
          LnTn.curve = NULL, TxTn = NULL)



matrix(required): a three-column matrix (i.e., regenerative doses,
sensitivity-corrected regenerative-dose signals, and associated standard errors)


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see details


logical(optional): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using other models if the given model fails, see details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the results should be plotted


integer(optional): regenerative doses that will not be used during the fitting. For example, if nofit.rgd=c(5,6) then both the fifth and sixth regenerative doses will not be used during growth curve fitting


vector(optional): a three-elemenet vector indicating aliquot (grain) ID, i.e.,
agID[1]=NO, agID[2]=Position, agID[3]=Grain


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of Tn


numeric(optional): 0-1 value indicating if Tn is more than 3 sigma above BG,
1 indicates Tn>3_sigma_BG, 0 indicates Tn<=3_sigma_BG


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): relative standard error of Tn in percent


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of fast ratio of Tn


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of the first recycling ratio


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of the second recycling ratio


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of the third recycling ratio


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of the first recuperation


vector(optional): a two-element vector containing value and
standard error of the second recuperation


list(optional): decay curve data for Ln and Tn, it should contain four elements, i.e., names(LnTn.curve)=c("Ln.x","Ln.y","Tn.x","Tn.y")


vector(optional): ratios of Tx to Tn for various SAR cycles


In growth curve fitting using function fitGrowth, five models are available:
(1) "line": a linear model, y=a*x+b;
(2) "exp": a single saturation exponential model, y=a*[1-exp(-b*x)]+c;
(3) "lexp": a single saturation exponential plus linear model, y=a*[1-exp(-b*x)]+c*x+d;
(4) "dexp": a double saturation exponential model, y=a*[1-exp(-b*x)]+c*[1-exp(-d*x)]+e;
(5) "gok": a general order kinetic model (Guralnik et al., 2015), y=a*[1-(1+b*c*x)^(-1/c)]+d.

The fitting process is performed using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (minpack: Fortran 90 source code by John Burkardt, freely available at If weight=TRUE, a weighted procedure will be performed through weighting each data point by its inverse variance. User is advised to set argument plot=TRUE if possible to visualize the quality of fit.

Argument trial=TRUE means that if the growth curve can not be fitted successfully using the user-supplied model, then the procedure will try to fit other models instead:

Model Tried model
"dexp" c("dexp", "gok", "exp", "line")
"lexp" c("lexp", "gok", "exp", "line")
"gok" c("gok", "exp", "line")
"exp" c("exp", "line")
"line" c("line")

For example, if model="dexp" and trial=TRUE, then a number of models from sequence
c("dexp", "gok", "exp", "line") will be applied one after another until the fit succeeds.

The required number of data points for each model is (value inside the parentheses denotes the required number of observations if the model passes the origin):

Model Required NPoints
"dexp" >=5 (>=4)
"lexp" >=4 (>=3)
"gok" >=4 (>=3)
"exp" >=3 (>=2)
"line" >=2 (>=1)

If user-provided data is not enough for model fitting (i.e., the number of data points is less than the number of parameters of a given model), then a model with less parameters will be fitted. For example, if 4 data points are fitted using a "dexp" (origin=FALSE) model that actually needs at least 5 data points, then a 4-parameter "gok" model will be fitted instead.


Return a list that contains the following elements:


return 0 if the fit succeeds, else 1


Indices of dose points used in growth curve fitting


optimized parameters for the growth curve


minimized objective for the growth curve


average fit error for the growth curve


reduced chi-square value for the growth curve


figure of merit value for the growth curve in percent


Arguments agID, Tn, Tn3BG, TnBG.ratio, rseTn, FR,
RecyclingRatio1, RecyclingRatio2, RecyclingRatio3,
Recuperation1, Recuperation2, LnTn.curve, TxTn have nothing to do with growth curve fitting. They are used only for plotting purpose.

The model to be optimized should not be underdetermined. This means that the number of data points should exceed (or at least be equal to) the number of parameters. For a given model, the procedure will return an error if any standard errors of parameters cannot be estimated by numerical difference-approximation.


Balian HG, Eddy NW, 1977. Figure-of-merit (FOM), an improved criterion over the normalized chi-squared test for assessing goodness-of-fit of gamma-ray spectral peaks. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 145(2): 389-95.

Guralnik B, Li B, Jain M, Chen R, Paris RB, Murray AS, Li SH, Pagonis V, Valla PG, Herman F, 2015. Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar. Radiation Measurements, 81: 224-231.

More JJ, 1978. "The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: implementation and theory" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Springer-Verlag: Berlin. 105-116.

See Also

analyseBINdata; SARdata; calED; calSARED; fastED;
pickSARdata; lsNORM; calSGCED


### Example 1:
 Curvedata <- cbind(c(0, 18, 36, 54, 72, 0, 18),               
                    c(0.026, 1.55, 2.39, 3.46, 4.13, 0.023, 1.61),  
                    c(0.005, 0.11, 0.27, 0.22, 0.20, 0.008, 0.24)) 
 fitGrowth(Curvedata, model="gok", origin=FALSE, plot=TRUE)

 ### Example 2 (not run):
 # data(SARdata)
 # Curvedata <- SARdata[!is.element(SARdata[,2], "N"),3:5]
 # fitGrowth(Curvedata, model="gok", origin=FALSE)

BIN file loading (importing)


Loading (importing) a BIN file into the R platform.


loadBINdata(filename, view = TRUE)



character(required): name(s) of file(s) (with file extension ".BIN", ".bin", "BINX", or "binx"), the file(s) must be available from the current working directory. Example: filename=c("foo1.bin","foo2.binx")


logical(optional): logical value indicating if the loaded data should be visualized in a Summary Table


Function loadBINdata is used for loading BIN (BINX) files into the R platform. Five versions of binary files (V3, V4, V6, V7, and V8) are loadable. It can load a single BIN (BINX) file or a number of files into R simultaneously.
Items reserved during the loading process include:
(1) Position: Carousel position;

(2) Grain: Grain number;

(3) Run: Run number;

(4) Set: Set number;

(5) DType: Data type, includes: Natural, N+dose, bleach, Bleach+dose,
Natural(Bleach), N+dose(Bleach), Dose, Background;

(6) IRRTime: Irradiation time;

(7) NPoints: number of data points;

(8) LType: Luminescence type, includes: TL, OSL, IRSL, M-IR, M-VIS,

(9) Low: Low (temperature, time, wavelength);

(10) High: High (temperature, time, wavelength);

(11) Rate: Rate (temperature, time, wavelength);

(12) Temperature: Sample temperature;

(13) Delay: TOL "delay" channels;

(14) On: TOL "on" channels;

(15) Off: TOL "off" channels;

(16) LightSource: Light source, includes: None, Lamp, IRDiodes,
CalibraitionLED, BlueDiodes, WhiteLight, GreenLaser, IRLaser;

(17) AnTemp: Annealing temperature;

(18) TimeSinceIrr: Time since irradiation;

(19) Time: Data collection time;

(20) Date: Data collection date.


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "loadBIN" containing the following elements:


a list containing loaded data records


a table (data.frame) summarizing items of loaded data records


We would like to appreciate Dr Lei Gao who prompts us to write this function and provides measured data sets to test this procedure.


Duller GAT, 2016. Analyst (v4.31.9), User Mannual.

See Also

pickBINdata; analyseBINdata; BIN


### Not run.
   ### Ensure that file "foo.bin" is available 
   ### from the current working directory.
   # obj_loadBIN <- loadBINdata("foo.bin", view=TRUE)
   # class(obj_loadBIN)
   # obj_loadBIN$records

Regenerative-dose signal optimization using the LS-normalisation procedure


Optimizing standardised regenerative-dose signals according to the least-squares normalisation (LS-normalisation) procedure using an iterative scaling and fitting procedure proposed by Li et al. (2016).


lsNORM(SARdata, model = "gok", origin = FALSE, 
       weight = FALSE, natural.rm = TRUE, 
       norm.dose = NULL, maxiter = 10, 
       plot = TRUE)



matrix(required): SAR data used for performing the LS-normalisation
procedure, it should contain five columns (i.e., NO, SAR.Cycle, Dose,
Signal, and Signal.Err), see SARdata for details


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see fitGrowth for available models


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the standardised natural-dose signal should be removed from SARdata


numeric(optional): regenerative-dose used for re-scaling established gSGC. For example, if norm.dose=100, then the signal value for a dose value of 100 (Gy|s) will be re-scaled to unity


integer(with default): allowed maximum number of iterations during the
LS-normalisation optimization process


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the results should be plotted


Function lsNORM is used for optimizing regenerative-dose signal data from a number of grains (aliquots) according to the least-squares normalisation (LS-normalisation) procedure outlined by Li et al. (2016) using an iterative scaling and fitting procedure.

The LS-normalisation procedure for growth curve optimization involves the following steps:
(1) Fit standardised regenerative-dose signals from all of the aliquots;
(2) Re-scale the individual growth curve from each aliquot using a scaling factor. The scaling factor for each aliquot is determined in a way such that the sum of squared residuals is minimized. Each aliquots is treated individually, and different scaling factors are calculated for different aliquots.
(3) Iterate the fitting (step 1) and re-scaling (step 2). The iterative procedure is performed repeatedly until there is negligible change in the relative standard deviation of the normalised growth curve data.


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


SAR data sets optimized using the LS-normalisation procedure


scaling factor of standardised regenerative-dose signals


number of iterations required


optimized parameters for the growth curve before LS-normalisation


minimized objective for the growth curve before LS-normalisation


average fit error for the growth curve before LS-normalisation


reduced chi-square value for the growth curve before LS-normalisation


figure of merit value for the growth curve before LS-normalisation in percent


optimized parameters for the growth curve after LS-normalisation


minimized objective for the growth curve after LS-normalisation


average fit error for the growth curve after LS-normalisation


reduced chi-square value for the growth curve after LS-normalisation


figure of merit value for the growth curve after LS-normalisation in percent


Li B, Jacobs Z, Roberts RG, 2016. Investigation of the applicability of standardised growth curves for OSL dating of quartz from Haua Fteah cave, Libya. Quaternary Geochronology, 35: 1-15.

See Also

analyseBINdata; fitGrowth; SARdata; scaleSGCN; calSGCED


### Example 1:
  # Use only the first five aliquots of SARdata.
  Data <- SARdata[1:40,]
  res_lsNORM <- lsNORM(Data, model="gok")

  ### Example 2 (not run):
  # data(BIN)
  # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=1:48, Grain=0,
  #                            LType="OSL", view=FALSE)
  # obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=3, nlchn=20)
  # lsNORM(obj_analyseBIN$SARdata, norm.dose=300)

Finite mixture age model optimization (using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method)


Sampling from the joint-likelihood functions of finite mixture age models (include the central age model) using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.


mcCAM(EDdata, addsigma = 0, iflog = TRUE, 
      nsim = 50000, inis = list(), control.args = list())

mcFMM(EDdata, ncomp = 2, addsigma = 0, iflog = TRUE, 
      nsim = 50000, inis = list(), control.args = list())



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


integer(with default): number of components


numeric(with default): additional uncertainty, i.e., the sigmab value


logical(with default): transform equivalent dose values to log-scale or not


integer(with default): deseried number of iterations


list(with default): initial state of parameters.
Example: inis=list(p1=1,p2=1,mu1=5,mu2=10) in FMM2 (the sum of p1 and p2 will be normalized to 1 during the simulation)


list(with default): arguments used in the Slice Sampling algorithm, see details


Function mcFMM is used for sampling from the joint-likelihood functions of finite mixture age models (include the central age model) using a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm called Slice Sampling (Neal, 2003). Three arguments (control.args) are used for controling the sampling process:
(1) w: size of the steps for creating an interval from which to sample, default w=1;
(2) m: limit on steps for expanding an interval, m<=1 means no limit on the expandation, m>1 means the interval is expanded with a finite number of iterations, default m=-100;
(3) nstart: maximum number of trials for updating a variable in an iteration. It can be used for monitoring the stability of the simulation. For example, a MAM4 is likely to crash down for data sets with small numbers of data points or less dispersed distributions (see section 8.3 of Galbraith and Roberts, 2012 for a discussion), and sometimes more than one trial (i.e., using nstart>1) is required to complete the sampling process, default nstart=1.


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "mcAgeModels" including the following elements:


equivalent dose values


additional uncertainty


fitting model


transform equivalent dose values to log-scale or not


number of iterations


simulated samples of parameters


Galbraith RF, Green P, 1990. Estimating the component ages in a finite mixture. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17: 197-206.

Neal RM, 2003. "Slice sampling" (with discussion). Annals of Statistics, 31(3): 705-767. Software is freely available at

Peng J, Dong ZB, Han FQ, 2016. Application of slice sampling method for optimizing OSL age models used for equivalent dose determination. Progress in Geography, 35(1): 78-88. (In Chinese).

See Also

mcMAM; reportMC; RadialPlotter; optimSAM; sensSAM; EDdata


# Not run.
  # data(EDdata)
  # Construct a MCMC chain for CAM.
  # obj<-mcCAM(EDdata$gl11,nsim=5000)
  # reportMC(obj,thin=2,burn=1e3)
  # Construct a MCMC chain for FMM3.
  # obj<-mcFMM(EDdata$gl11,ncomp=3,nsim=5000)
  # reportMC(obj,thin=2,burn=1e3)

Optimization of the minimum (maximum) age model (using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method)


Sampling from the joint-likelihood function of the minimum (maximum) age model using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.


mcMAM(EDdata, ncomp = -1, addsigma = 0, iflog = TRUE, 
      nsim = 50000, inis = list(), control.args = list())



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


integer(with default): number of components, ncomp=-1, ncomp=-2, ncomp=-3, or ncomp=-4 indicate fitting the "MAM3", "MAM4", "MXAM3", and "MXAM4", respectively


numeric(with default): additional uncertainty, i.e., the sigmab value


logical(with default): transform equivalent dose values to log-scale or not


integer(with default): deseried number of iterations


list(with default): initial state of parameters.
Example: inis=list(p=0.1,gamma=20,sigma=0.3) when ncomp=-1


list(with default): arguments used by the Slice Sampling algorithm, see function mcFMM for details


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "mcAgeModels". See mcFMM for details.


Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, Laslett GM, Yoshida H, Olley JM, 1999. Optical dating of single grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia. Part I: experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry, 41(2): 339-364.

Neal RM, 2003. "Slice sampling" (with discussion). Annals of Statistics, 31(3): 705-767. Software is freely available at

Peng J, Dong ZB, Han FQ, 2016. Application of slice sampling method for optimizing OSL age models used for equivalent dose determination. Progress in Geography, 35(1): 78-88. (In Chinese).

See Also

mcFMM; reportMC; RadialPlotter; EDdata; optimSAM; sensSAM


# Not run.
  # data(EDdata)
  # Construct a MCMC chain for MAM3.
  # obj<-mcMAM(EDdata$al3,ncomp=-1,addsigma=0.1,nsim=5000)
  # reportMC(obj,burn=1e3,thin=2)
  # The convergence of the simulations may be diagnosed with 
  # the Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic.
  # library(coda)   # Only if package "coda" has been installed.
  # args<-list(nstart=50)
  # inis1<-list(p=0.01,gamma=26,mu=104,sigma=0.01)
  # inis2<-list(p=0.99,gamma=100,mu=104,sigma=4.99)
  # obj1<-mcMAM(EDdata$al3,ncomp=-2,nsim=3000,inis=inis1,control.args=args)
  # obj2<-mcMAM(EDdata$al3,ncomp=-2,nsim=3000,inis=inis2,control.args=args)
  # chain1<-mcmc(obj1$chains)
  # chain2<-mcmc(obj2$chains)
  # chains<-mcmc.list(chain1,chain2)
  # gelman.plot(chains)

Optimization of statistical age models


Estimating the parameters of statistical age models, including the common age model (COM), the central age model (CAM), the minimum age model (MAM), the maximum age model (MXAM), and the finite mixture age model (FMM), using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation method.


optimSAM(EDdata, model = "cam", addsigma = 0, iflog = TRUE, maxcomp = 6)



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


character(with default): the fitting model, one of "com", "cam", "mam3", "mam4", "mxam3", "mxam4", "fmm0", "fmm1", "fmm2", ..., "fmm9"


numeric(with default): additional uncertainty, i.e., the sigmab value


logical(with default): transform equivalent dose values to log-scale or not


integer(with default): the maximum number of components in FMM


Return a list that contains the following elements:


optimized parameters, the name of the parameter of COM is "COM.De", that of CAM are c("CAM.OD","CAM.De"), that of MAM3 are c("Prop","MAM3.De","Sigma"), that of MXAM3 are c("Prop","MXAM3.De","Sigma"), that of MAM4 are
c("Prop","MAM4.De","Mu","Sigma"), that of MXAM4 are
c("Prop","MXAM4.De","Mu","Sigma"), and that of FMM are c("Prop","FMM.De")


optimized maximum logged likelihood value


calculated Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) value


Galbraith RF, 1988. Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors. Technometrics, 30(3): 271-281.

Galbraith RF, 1990. The radial plot: Graphical assessment of spread in ages. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17(3): 207-214.

Galbraith RF, Green P, 1990. Estimating the component ages in a finite mixture. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17: 197-206.

Galbraith RF, Laslett GM, 1993. Statistical models for mixed fission track ages. Nuclear Tracks And Radiation Measurements, 21(4): 459-470.

Galbraith RF, 1994. Some applications of radial plots. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(428): 1232-1242.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, Laslett GM, Yoshida H, Olley JM, 1999. Optical dating of single grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia. Part I: experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry, 41(2): 339-364.

Galbraith RF, 2005. Statistics for fission track analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.

Galbraith RF, 2010. On plotting OSL equivalent doses. Ancient TL, 28(1): 1-10.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, 2012. Statistical aspects of equivalent dose and error calculation and display in OSL dating: an overview and some recommendations. Quaternary Geochronology, 11: 1-27.

See Also

mcMAM; mcFMM; dbED; psRadialPlot; RadialPlotter; EDdata


  ### Fitting a 3-component FMM.
  optimSAM(EDdata$al3, model="fmm3", addsigma=0)

  ### Fitting a 4-parameter MXAM.
  optimSAM(EDdata$al3, model="mxam4", addsigma=0.1)

BIN data set selection


Extracting data sets from a loaded BIN (BINX) file.


pickBINdata(obj_loadBIN, Position = NULL, Grain = NULL, 
            Run = NULL, Set = NULL, DType = NULL, 
            IRRTime = NULL, NPoints = NULL, LType = NULL, 
            Low = NULL, High = NULL, Rate = NULL, 
            Temperature = NULL, Delay = NULL, On = NULL, 
            Off = NULL, LightSource = NULL, AnTemp = NULL, 
            TimeSinceIrr = NULL, view = TRUE, 
   = FALSE, force.matrix = FALSE)



list(required): an object of S3 class "loadBIN" produced by
function loadBINdata


vector(optional): carousel position, Example: Position=1:48


vector(optional): grain number


vector(optional): run number


vector(optional): set number


character(optional): a character vector indicating data type,
Example: DType=c("Natural", "N+dose")


vector(optional): irradiation time


vector(optional): number of data points


character(optional): a character vector indicating luminescence types,
Example: LType="OSL"


vector(optional): lower limit on temperature, time, or wavelength


vector(optional): upper limit on temperature, time, or wavelength


vector(optional): increasing rate of temperature, time, or wavelength


vector(optional): a vector indicating the sample temperatures


vector(optional): TOL "delay" channels


vector(optional): TOL "on" channels


vector(optional): TOL "off" channels


character(optional): a character vector indicating light source,
Example: LightSource="BlueDiodes"


vector(optional): annealing temperature


vector(optional): time since irradiation


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the loaded data should be
visualized in a Summary Table

logical(with default): logical value indicating if the loaded data should be
selected manually using a Summary Table


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the picked data sets of an aliquot (grain) should be transformed into a matrix


Function pickBINdata is used for pick up data sets from an object of S3 class "loadBIN" generated using function loadBINdata. Set force.matrix=TRUE will transform data sets of an aliquot (grain) into a matrix, the transformation fails if data sets have different x (temperature, time, or wavelength) coordinates. Transformed data sets stored in a matrix can be visualize via matplot (see examples).


Return an invisible list of S3 class object "pickBIN" containing two elements:


selected BIN data


Aliquot or grain ID (i.e., c("NO","Position","Grain")) of selected data sets, it returns NULL if force.matrix=TRUE


Duller GAT, 2016. Analyst (v4.31.9), User Mannual.

See Also

loadBINdata; analyseBINdata; BIN; decomp; fastED


### Example 1 (visualize decay curves for Position=2):
   obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=2, view=FALSE,
                              LType="OSL", force.matrix=TRUE)
           main="Decay curves",
           xlab="Stimulation time (s)",
           ylab="Photon counts",
           type="l", log="xy")

  ### Example 2 (visualize test-dose decay curves for Position=2):
  obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=2, Run=c(5,11,17,23,29,34,40), 
                             view=FALSE, LType="OSL", force.matrix=TRUE)
          main="Test-dose decay curves",
          xlab="Stimulation time (s)",
          ylab="Photon counts",
          type="l", log="xy")

  ### Example 3 (visualize regenerative-dose decay curves for Position=2):
  obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=2, Run=c(8,14,20,26,31,37), 
                             view=FALSE, LType="OSL", force.matrix=TRUE)
          main="Regenerative-dose decay curves",
          xlab="Stimulation time (s)",
          ylab="Photon counts",
          type="l", log="xy")

SAR data set selection


Selecting SAR data sets (growth curves) in a batch model according to specified rejection criteria.


pickSARdata(obj_analyseBIN, model = "gok", origin = FALSE, 
            weight = TRUE, trial = TRUE, nofit.rgd = NULL, 
            Tn.above.3BG = TRUE, TnBG.ratio.low = NULL, 
            rseTn.up = NULL, FR.low = NULL, rcy1.range = NULL, 
            rcy2.range = NULL, rcy3.range = NULL, 
            rcp1.up = NULL, rcp2.up = NULL, fom.up = NULL, 
            rcs.up = NULL, = TRUE, norm.dose = NULL, 
            outpdf = NULL, outfile = NULL)



list(required): an object of S3 class "analyseBIN" produced by
function analyseBINdata or as_analyseBIN


character(with default): model used for growth curve fitting, see fitGrowth for available models


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be forced to pass the origin


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using a weighted procedure, see function fitGrowth for details


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the growth curve should be fitted using other models if the given model fails, see function fitGrowth for details


integer(optional): regenerative doses that will not be used during the fitting. For example, if nofit.rgd=2 then the second regenerative dose will not be used during growth curve fitting


logical(with default): logical value indicating if aliquot (grain) with Tn below 3 sigma BG should be rejected


numeric(optional): lower limit on ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): upper limit on relative standard error of Tn in percent


numeric(optional): lower limit on fast ratio of Tn


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 1, Example: rcy1.range=c(0.9,1.1)


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 2


vector(optional): a two-element vector indicating the lower and upper limits on recycling ratio 3


numeric(optional): upper limit on recuperation 1 (i.e., ratio of the
sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to natural-dose signal) in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on recuperation 2 (i.e., ratio of the
sensitivity-corrected zero-dose signal to maximum regenerative-dose signal)
in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on figure of merit (FOM) values of growth curves in percent


numeric(optional): upper limit on reduced chi-square (RCS) values of growth curves

logical(with default): logical value indicating if standard errors of values should be used during application of rejection criteria


numeric(optional): dose value used for SAR data set re-normalisation, for example, if norm.dose=100, then sensitivity-corrected signal for Redose=100 obtained through growth curve fitting will be used to re-normalise a SAR data set


character(optional): if specified, results of growth curve fitting will be written to a PDF file named "outpdf" and saved to the current work directory


character(optional): if specified, SAR data related quantities will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


a list containing optimized parameters of growth curves of selected SAR data sets


a data.frame containing selected SAR data sets


a data.frame containing re-normalised SAR data sets,
it returns NULL if norm.dose=NULL


aliquot or grain ID (i.e., c("NO","Position","Grain")) of selected SAR data

a summary of the SAR data selection

See Also

analyseBINdata; fitGrowth; lsNORM; calSARED


# Not run.
 # data(BIN)
 # obj_pickBIN <- pickBINdata(BIN, Position=1:48, Grain=0, 
 #                            LType="OSL", view=FALSE)
 # obj_analyseBIN <- analyseBINdata(obj_pickBIN, nfchn=3, nlchn=20) 
 # pickSARdata(obj_analyseBIN, model="gok", fom.up=3, outpdf="SARdata")

Pseudo radial plot drawing


Drawing a pseudo (simplified) radial plot.


psRadialPlot(EDdata, addsigma = 0, dose = NULL, 
             zmin = NULL, zmax = NULL, ntick = 6, 
             digits = 2, pcolor = "blue", psize = 1, 
             rg = 2, zlabel = "De (Gy)")



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


numeric(with default): additional uncertainty


vector(optional): dose population(s) to be drawn


numeric(with default): lower limit on z-axis


numeric(with default): upper limit on z-axis


integer(with default): desired number of ticks in z-axis


integer(with default): number of decimal places or significant digits for values shown in z-axis


character(with default): color of a data point, input colors() to see more available colors


numeric(with default): size of a data point


integer(with default): range of a dose population, 0=dose,
1=dose+/-sigma, 2=dose+/-2sigma


character(with default): title for the z-axis


Function psRadialPlot is used for drawing a simplified radial plot in which the z-axis is a straight line. The pseudo radial plot is easier to construct compared to the regular radial plot. This function can be adopted to display estimates that have different error estimates in any field of the analytical sciences. Note that the function handles datasets in log-scale, so any minus observation is not allowed.


Return a pseudo radial plot


Galbraith RF, 1988. Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors. Technometrics, 30(3): 271-281.

Galbraith RF, 1994. Some applications of radial plots. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(428): 1232-1242.

Galbraith RF, 2010. On plotting OSL equivalent doses. Ancient TL, 28(1): 1-10.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, Laslett GM, Yoshida H, Olley JM, 1999. Optical dating of single grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia. Part I: experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry, 41(2): 339-364.

See Also

dbED; RadialPlotter; EDdata


   psRadialPlot(EDdata$al3, addsigma=0.10, 
                dose=c(39.14, 51.27, 79.14), digits=1,
                zmin=30, zmax=100, ntick=10, rg=1)

Statistical age model optimization (with a Maximum Likelihood Estimation method)


Depending on the specified number of components, this function performs statistical age models analysis reviewed in Galbraith and Roberts (2012) dynamically using a Maximum Likelihood Estimation method. Age models that can be applied include: central age model (CAM), minimum age model (MAM), and finite mixture age model (FMM).


RadialPlotter(EDdata, ncomp = 0, addsigma = 0, 
              maxcomp = 6, algorithm = c("port","lbfgsb"),
              plot = TRUE, pcolor = "blue", psize = 1.5, 
              kratio = 0.3, zscale = NULL)



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


integer(with default): number of components, ncomp=-1, ncomp=-2, and ncomp=1 mean respectively fitting "MAM3", "MAM4", and "CAM", ncomp=0 means fitting "FMM" with an automatically optimized number of components, and ncomp=k (k>=2) means fitting "FMM" with k components


numeric(with default): additional uncertainty, i.e., the sigmab value


integer(with default): maximum number of components in FMM


character(with default): algorithm used for optimizing MAM,
default algorithm="port"


logical(with default): draw a radial plot or not


character(with default): color of a data point, input colors() to see more available colors


numeric(with default): size of a data point


numeric(with default): argument controlling the shape of zscale


vector(optional): argument controlling the scale of z-axis.
Example: zscale=seq(min(EDdata),max(EDdata),by=3L)


Both CAM and FMM are fitted using a iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation procedure outlined by Galbraith (1988), while MAM can be estimated using either the "L-BFGS-B" algorithm (R function optim in package stats) or the "port" algorithm (R function nlminb in package stats).


Return an object of S3 class "RadialPlotter" that contains the following elements:


optimized parameters, the names of CAM parameters are c("CAM.OD","CAM.De"), those of MAM3 paramters are c("Prop","MAM3.De","Sigma"), those of MAM4 parameters are c("Prop","MAM4.De","Mu","Sigma"), and those of FMM parameters are c("Prop", "FMM.De")


optimized maximum logged likelihood value


calculated Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) value


Function RadialPlotter was given the same name as the Java package RadialPlotter written by Pieter Vermeesch (Vermeesch, 2009). Note that this function fits a model in log-scale, hence any minus equivalent dose value is not allowed, and that the procedure will return an error if any standard error of a parameter cannot be estimated by numerical difference-approximation.

The original S code for drawing a radial plot was written by Rex Galbraith and was transformed to R by Sebastian Kreutzer. The code for drawing radial plot in this function was modified from package Luminescence written by Kreutzer et al. (2012). We thank Dr Rex Galbraith for his permission to modify and bundle the code to this function. We also thank Dr Silke Schmidt, Dr Helena Rodnight, Dr Xian-Jiao Ou, and Dr Amanda Keen-Zebert for providing published OSL data sets to test this routine.

This function only considered the optimization of statistical age models (including CAM, MAM, and FMM) in a log-scale and will not be updated in future. The newly developed function optimSAM allows the optimzation of age models (including COM, MAM, MXAM, and FMM) in either log- or unlog-scale, and the accompanied function sensSAM allows the optimization of these age models with a number of different sizes of additional uncertainty (sigmab).


Galbraith RF, 1988. Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors. Technometrics, 30(3): 271-281.

Galbraith RF, 1990. The radial plot: Graphical assessment of spread in ages. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17(3): 207-214.

Galbraith RF, Green P, 1990. Estimating the component ages in a finite mixture. International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 17: 197-206.

Galbraith RF, Laslett GM, 1993. Statistical models for mixed fission track ages. Nuclear Tracks And Radiation Measurements, 21(4): 459-470.

Galbraith RF, 1994. Some applications of radial plots. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(428): 1232-1242.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, Laslett GM, Yoshida H, Olley JM, 1999. Optical dating of single grains of quartz from Jinmium rock shelter, northern Australia. Part I: experimental design and statistical models. Archaeometry, 41(2): 339-364.

Galbraith RF, 2005. Statistics for fission track analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.

Galbraith RF, 2010. On plotting OSL equivalent doses. Ancient TL, 28(1): 1-10.

Galbraith RF, Roberts RG, 2012. Statistical aspects of equivalent dose and error calculation and display in OSL dating: an overview and some recommendations. Quaternary Geochronology, 11: 1-27.

Further reading

Duller GAT, 2008. Single-grain optical dating of Quaternary sediments: why aliquot size matters in luminescence dating. Boreas, 37(4): 589-612.

Kreutzer S, Schmidt C, Fuchs MC, Dietze M, Fischer M, Fuchs M, 2012. Introducing an R package for luminescence dating analysis. Ancient TL, 30(1): 1-8. Software is freely available at

Rodnight H, 2008. How many equivalent dose values are needed to obtain a reproducible distribution? Ancient TL, 26(1): 3-10.

Rodnight H, Duller GAT, Wintle AG, Tooth S, 2006. Assessing the reproducibility and accuracy of optical dating of fluvial deposits. Quaternary Geochronology, 1(2): 109-120.

Schmidt S, Tsukamoto S, Salomon E, Frechen M, Hetzel R, 2012. Optical dating of alluvial deposits at the orogenic front of the andean precordillera (Mendoza, Argentina). Geochronometria, 39(1): 62-75.

Vermeesch P, 2009. RadialPlotter: a Java application for fission track, luminescence and other radial plots. Radiation Measurements, 44: 409-410. Software is freely available at

Peng J, Li B, Jacobs Z, 2020. Modelling heterogeneously bleached single-grain equivalent dose distributions: Implications for the reliability of burial dose determination. Quaternary Geochronology, 60: 101108.

Peng J, Li B, Jacobs Z, Gliganic LA, 2023. Optical dating of sediments affected by post-depositional mixing: Modelling, synthesizing and implications. Catena, 232: 107383.

See Also

mcMAM; mcFMM; dbED; psRadialPlot; EDdata; optimSAM; sensSAM


  # Find out the appropriate number of components 
  # in FMM and fit automatically.

  # Fit MAM3 (not run). 
  # RadialPlotter(EDdata$gl11,ncomp=-1,zscale=seq(20,37,3))

Reporting MCMC outputs for statistical age models


Summarizing distributions of parameters simulated from statistical age models using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method.


reportMC(obj, burn = 10000, thin = 5, 
         plot = TRUE, outfile = NULL, ...)



list(required): an object of S3 class "mcAgeModels", which is produced by function mcFMM or mcMAM


integer(with default): number of iterations (i.e., the initial, non-stationary
portion of the chain) to be discarded


integer(with default): take every thin-th iteration


logical(with default): plot the MCMC output or not


character(optional): if specified, simulated parameters will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


do not use


Function reportMC summarizes the output of a Markov Chain (the mean values, the standard deviations, the mode values, and the 2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5 quantiles of the simulated parameters). The initial i (burn=i) samples may have been affected by the inital state and has to be discarded ("burn-in"). Autocorrelation of simulated samples can be reduced by taking every j-th (thin=j) iteration ("thining").


Return a list that contains the following elements:


means, standard deviations, and modes of simulated parameters


quantiles of simulated parameters


maximum logged likelihood values calculated using the means and modes of simulated parameters


Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) values calculated using the means and modes of simulated parameters


Lunn D, Jackson C, Best N, Thomas A, Spiegelhalter D, 2013. The BUGS book: a practical introduction to bayesian analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.

Gelman A, Carlin JB, Stern HS, Dunson DB, Vehtari A, Rubin DB, 2013. Bayesian data analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.

Peng J, Dong ZB, Han FQ, 2016. Application of slice sampling method for optimizing OSL age models used for equivalent dose determination. Progress in Geography, 35(1): 78-88. (In Chinese).

See Also

mcFMM; mcMAM

Data sets used for SAR equivalent dose calculation


SAR data sets for individual aliquots from the "later" group of sample HF11 from Haua Fteah cave, Libya (Li et al., 2016).




A data.frame with 840 observations containing the following 5 variables:


aliquot (grain) number


SAR cycles


regenerative doses


OSL signals


standard error of OSL signals


Li B, Jacobs Z, Roberts RG, 2016. Investigation of the applicability of standardised growth curves for OSL dating of quartz from Haua Fteah cave, Libya. Quaternary Geochronology, 35: 1-15.

See Also

fitGrowth; lsNORM; calSGCED; as_analyseBIN


# Not run.
 # data(SARdata)
 # head(SARdata)

Natural-dose signal re-scaling


Re-scaling sensitivity-corrected natural-dose signals according to the "global standardised growth curve" (gSGC) method suggested by Li et al. (2015, 2016).


scaleSGCN(obj_analyseBIN, SGCpars, model, origin, 
          SAR.Cycle, Tn.above.3BG = TRUE, 
          TnBG.ratio.low = NULL, rseTn.up = NULL, 
          FR.low = NULL, = TRUE, outfile = NULL)



list(required): an object of S3 class "analyseBIN" produced by
function analyseBINdata or as_analyseBIN


vector(required): optimized parameters of the SGC obtained using function fitGrowth or lsNORM


character(required): fitting model used for obtaining SGCpars


logical(required): logical value indicating if established SGC passes the origin


character(required): a two-element character vector containing SAR cycles used for natural-dose signal re-scaling. Example: SAR.Cycle=c("N","R3")


logical(with default): logical value indicating if aliquot (grain) with Tn below 3 sigma BG should be rejected


numeric(optional): lower limit on ratio of initial Tn signal to BG


numeric(optional): upper limit on relative standard error of Tn in percent


numeric(optional): lower limit on fast ratio of Tn

logical(with default): logical value indicating if standard errors of values should be used during application of rejection criteria


character(optional): if specified, scaled SGC data related quantities will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Sensitivity-corrected natural-dose signals are re-scaled according to Eqn.(10) of Li et al. (2015).


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


scaled natural-dose signals and associated standard errors


aliquot (grain) ID of scaled natural-dose signals


Li B, Roberts RG, Jacobs Z, Li SH, 2015. Potential of establishing a "global standardised growth curve" (gSGC) for optical dating of quartz from sediments. Quaternary Geochronology, 27: 94-104.

Li B, Jacobs Z, Roberts RG, 2016. Investigation of the applicability of standardised growth curves for OSL dating of quartz from Haua Fteah cave, Libya. Quaternary Geochronology, 35: 1-15.

See Also



# Not run.
 gSGCpars <- c(137.440874251, 0.007997863, 2.462035263, -0.321536177)
 scaleSGCN(as_analyseBIN(SARdata), SGCpars=gSGCpars, model="gok", 
           origin=FALSE, SAR.Cycle=c("N","R3"))

Investigate of the sensitivity of a statistical age model to the additional uncertainty (sigmab)


Estimate of the parameters of a statistical age model using a number of sigmab values.


sensSAM(EDdata, model, sigmaVEC = NULL, iflog = TRUE, 
        maxcomp = 8, plot = TRUE, outfile = NULL)



matrix(required): a two-column matrix (i.e., equivalent dose values and
associated standard errors)


character(with default): the fitting model, one of "com", "cam", "mam3", "mam4", "mxam3", "mxam4", "fmm0", "fmm1", "fmm2", ..., "fmm9"


vector(with default): a series of sigmab values that will be used as inputs for the model. For example, sigmaVEC=seq(from=0,to=0.3,by=0.01)


logical(with default): transform equivalent dose values to log-scale or not


integer(with default): the maximum number of components in the FMM


logical(with default): logical value indicating if the results should be plotted


character(optional): if specified, the results will be written to a CSV file named "outfile" and saved to the current work directory


Return an invisible list that contains the following elements:


a list that contains the optimized parameters for each sigmab value


a matrix that contains the optimized parameters, the maximum logged likelihood value, and the corresponding Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) value


Peng J, Li B, Jacobs Z, 2020. Modelling heterogeneously bleached single-grain equivalent dose distributions: Implications for the reliability of burial dose determination. Quaternary Geochronology, 60: 101108.

Peng J, Li B, Jacobs Z, Gliganic LA, 2023. Optical dating of sediments affected by post-depositional mixing: Modelling, synthesizing and implications. Catena, 232: 107383.

See Also

RadialPlotter; EDdata; optimSAM


# Not run.
  # data(EDdata)
  # sensSAM(EDdata$al3, model="mam4", iflog=TRUE)

Decay curves datasets


CW-OSL and LM-OSL decay curves.




A list that contains CW-OSL and LM-OSL decay curves:


a number of CW-OSL decay curves of a sand sample from the Tengger Desert in northern china (Peng and Han, 2013)


a LM-OSL decay curve from Li and Li (2006)


Li SH, Li B, 2006. Dose measurement using the fast component of LM-OSL signals from quartz. Radiation Measurements, 41(5): 534-541.

Peng J, Han FQ, 2013. Selections of fast-component OSL signal using sediments from the south edge of Tengger Desert. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 34(6): 757-762.

See Also

decomp; fastED


# Not run.
# data(Signaldata)
# names(Signaldata)